Send this Sample Acknowledgement Email after donation to your crowdfunding campaign

Devashish Biswas
2 min readJan 27, 2017


Once you complete your crowdfunding campaign successfully, you must acknowledge your every backer about how you are feeling and how you are going to do with the pledged money. Your emails are important for every campaign backers and only this is the reason I’m writing this sample crowdfunding email pitch copy for projects. Make sure your acknowledgement email copy must be genuine, original and thoughtful.

An email would be much better, and in case you receive the phone calls, just show you have been a great help to raise money.

Timeline: Send this copy soon after finishing the campaign successfully on crowdfunding platform.

Dear backer’s first name !

First I want to say thank you very much along with all other backers/donators for being a part of my crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter/Indiegogo/ Other platform.

This amount is really helpful for my cause/project to accomplish the goal of Cause/Problem Name. Your contribution towards the campaign goal / Explain as much as possible.

Thank you once again !

Best Regards,
Your Name

Be specific as much you can about the pledged money, how you are going to move forward. This should be the primary goal, just to make a difference.

Note: Don’t forget to change/replace the underline/italic lines according to your campaign/product/cause

That’s all.

This sample email template is available on Krelot software, try krailer software for your campaign. Check Demo Account!

This Article was originally published on Krelot Blog, December 24, 2017.



Devashish Biswas
Devashish Biswas

Written by Devashish Biswas

Devashish Biswas has more than 12 years of working experience in IT industry and currently leads the NCryptBit Technologies, a growing Digital PR Agency.

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