Send This Sample Crowdfunding Email to Bloggers & Writers about your campaign

Devashish Biswas
3 min readJan 24, 2017


If you are going to launch your crowdfunding campaign, Your emails are important for the campaign backers, to make it easy we are going to put this email sample pitch copy for crowdfunding projects.

Timeline: Send this copy soon after launching the campaign on crowdfunding platform.

When it comes to bloggers and writers, you have to start communication through email much before you launch your campaign. Go to their blog and website and read their latest article and give them feedback. This is the initial step to build the relation with the blogger/writer.

First copy of Email:

Hello blogger’s / Writer’s first name !

Subject: Liked the article on — — –

“Hey, I liked your article about ____ on websitename/blogname.

Write a few lines what did you like about the content, what was all about, then describe what you thought about it or why you relate it to yourself and your work. Ask a question related to the article to get them to reply.

Bookmarked your blog/site

Your Name

Just after sending this email, make sure you responded on the email thread. Now you build a relationship with the writer/blogger. Search again if the writer / blogger writes about crowdfunding campaigns or the product/service you are offering or anything related to that. The second copy of email in case they cover crowdfunding campaigns.

Second copy of Email:

Hey blogger’s / Writer’s first name !

Subject: Re; Liked the article on — — –

I really enjoyed your latest article on — — -. I’m not sure if this time is appropriate, but I’ve seen you writing a lot about crowdfunding campaigns, and I was wondering if you’ve ever covered about campaigns/projects/causes about your cause niche?

I’ve recently launched a campaign about your cause niche, a lot of Insert slang for audience, like ‘readers’ seem to like the project. and god grace so far we have managed to raise a handsome amount of $$$ from crowdfunding backers. I was wondering if i can have your thoughts about my project?

Best Regards,
Your Name

Many of them won’t reply of your email simply because they don’t want to write about it or not of their point of interest or your campaign is not good enough for their write ups or niche [they think so — don’t give up], it should be okay with you. In case you get reply, use the following email template.

Third copy of Email:

Hey blogger’s / Writer’s first name !

Subject: Re: Re: Kickstarter/Indiegogo/Other Campaign for PRODUCT/Service/Cause to solve this problem

Thanks for replying on my email,

Introduce yourself and your company and the problem you are solving, the cause you are working for, write in just two lines.

Write a single line about the features of the product or services or cause

  • Cause / Feature / Solution of Problem 1
  • Cause / Feature / Solution of Problem 2
  • Cause / Feature / Solution of Problem 3
  • Cause / Feature / Solution of Problem 4

Video Link: “ — -”

We launched the campaign few days back. Would you mind, if I contact you, send relevant links, a short story and features?

Thanks for your time, Look forward to hearing back from you.

Best Regards,
Your Name

Of course, your email should also include photos and/or a video to break up the text. The image or video you choose should reflect your fundraising goal and should depict the person, animals, or community that will benefit from the money you raise.


1. Don’t forget to change/replace the underline/italic lines according to your campaign/product/cause

2. This sample email template is available on Krelot software, try krailer software for your campaign. Check Demo Account!

This Article was originally published on Krelot Blog, December 23, 2017.



Devashish Biswas
Devashish Biswas

Written by Devashish Biswas

Devashish Biswas has more than 12 years of working experience in IT industry and currently leads the NCryptBit Technologies, a growing Digital PR Agency.

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